Thursday, 26 June 2014

Butterfly Feeders (23rd June 2014)

We met on the Green and played a game - but I don't know which one as l was otherwise occupied!

Then we split up into 4 groups and started to make butterfly feeders:
- first you make a hole about the size of pencil (5mm) in the bottom of a plastic cup
- then you stick small pieces of double-sided tape all around the opening

- then you cut or tear up petals from different coloured plastic bags and stick them on

So you have your flower shape…

- then take a wad of cotton wool and (from the inside of the cup) carefully poke a small amount through the hole leaving the rest inside the cup

- then poke two small holes opposite each other just under the rim of the cup
- thread string through to make a loop and tie knots in the ends to hold in place

- fill your cup with 'nectar' (1 tsp sugar to 1 cup of water)
- lastly - hang up on your window ledge, garden or elsewhere and wait...

We ended with a circle talking about why butterflies might need feeding. Elfins thought they might be hungry because there weren't so many flowers - maybe because it was getting towards winter - or maybe because of pollution. They also thought we needed butterflies because they are pretty - and because they pollenate our flowers.

Session Leader: Kate
Leaders: Claire, Alison, Amanda, Catrin
Helpers: Joanne, Amanda, Tei

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Texture pictures (9th June 2014)

In a change to the published programme - due to uncertainties about the weather - we postponed woodwork until the autumn.

We met on the Green (in what turned out to blazing sunshine) and after playing on the equipment for a bit had a game of People, Houses, Chaos. It was the first time for most of us - and left some a bit bemused. It starts off with pairs of players making arches to be 'Houses' while others shelter underneath (the 'People'). One player is caller. When the caller shouts 'Houses' - the houses all move to cover another person. When they shout 'People' - the people all move house. When the caller shouts 'Chaos' everyone relocates including the caller. Whoever's left over becomes the new caller...hmmm...interesting take on the housing crisis....but needs a bit of practice methinks.

We all decamped to sit on the tarp under the trees out of the sun. We had a quick news circle with biscuits and started by recapping on the pigs visit for those who hadn't been there. The Elfins thought a bit about people who don't eat pigs - and came up with Jewish people, Muslims, vegetarians and pescatarians. Catrin also noted that some small Christian groups don't eat pork - the Seventh Day Adventists usually don't - and some Elfins pointed out that even when your culture or religion suggests not to eat certain things individuals may choose to eat them from time to time. Some of our Elfins do for example.

Then we gave the Elfins salt, cups and large pavement chalks and asked them to combine the materials in the cups - and watch to see the 'magic' happen.

Sure enough, as they ground the salt and chalk together, the salt started to change colour.

Then we gave them gluesticks, black paper, sawdust and sand - and left them to it.

They made some fantastic texture pictures without any help from us.

We ended - as usual - with a song.

Before signing off I'd just like to say thanks to Ally Johns who led a thought provoking Inclusion Training session for the District Woodcraft Leaders - and to Sue Dowe for organising it. Thanks too to Ally because she gave us the idea for the texture pictures!

Session Leaders: Catrin/Claire
Leaders: Kate, Alison, Lucy
Helpers: Joanne, Amanda

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Pigs and Chickens (2nd June 2014)

We met on the Green and played a new game: Run Rabbit Run. Half the group were foxes and half rabbits with one 'Captain Rabbit' and one 'Fox Leader'. The rabbits all started at 'home' at one end of the Green then Captain Rabbit took his rabbits out in a line for a walk. At a certain point Fox Leader shouted 'Run Rabbit Run' and the rabbits all had to try to get home without being caught. All tagged rabbits became foxes and we continued until there were no rabbits left.

Then we had snacks (top of the range custard creams and water) in a quick circle and agreed on some helpful ways to behave during our visit because this was the day the kind people at Jacob's Inn, Wolvercote had said we could come and meet their pigs and chickens - and do some life sculpting in clay.

When we got there Johnny Pugsley met us and introduced a pair of piebald pigs. 

He told us that they feed them vegetable and fruit peelings (but not leftovers) and keep them for about eighteen months. Then the Elfins all suggested why people keep pigs: for eating as pork, ham and bacon or made into sausages and salami. We didn't get round to talking about the fact that some people don't eat pigs - or, in fact, that some people don't eat meat at all (like Tei!). We'll come back to that another day.

Meanwhile, the Elfins had a go at feeding the pigs with cabbage leaves and carrot gratings and they enthusiastically snuffled everything up (the pigs that is...). 

Johnny told us they collect 10 eggs a day - 1 from each hen - but nowhere near enough for all the food they make in the restaurant - so they box them and sell them instead. 

The Elfins decided to give the pigs names and then chose whether to model Tweedledee or Tweedledum or one of the fluffy brown, white and speckled hens.

I don't know why but Elfins and clay just seem to go together. 

There was (almost) silent concentration for the rest of our time as clay sausages were rolled into trotters and tails - and balls smoothed into heads and bodies - or squashed to make ears, beaks and snouts.

When Johnny arrived cradling a calm, contented, occasionally clucking chicken under his arm it only raised a 'Hallo Hen' from a few Elfins before they returned to their masterworks - so engrossed were they...

…and modelling continued until the last available moment. 

So there was no time to end on a song - just a very big THANK YOU.

Session Leaders: Amanda/Alison
Leaders: Catrin, Lucy
Helpers: Stephanie, Chris, Nicholas

Elfin Takeover (19th May 2014)

This was the session designed and voted for by the Elfins. We gathered on the Green around the roaring fire Lucy had already got going...

...and the Elfins kicked off their sweet picnic with chocolate bananas made by filling bananas with chocolate, wrapping them in foil and laying them around the edges of the campfire.

While they were cooking, the games started with Capture the Flag led by Tei and Seren. There was some dispute over fairplay but I think we're getting the hang of it!

Next everyone took it in turns (assisted by Nick) to squeeze fresh oranges, mix the juice with soda water and add a bit of sugar for home made orangeade.

Followed by eating the bananas.

Then we played our first ever round of parachute games. It turned out our parachute is probably a bit small - and not strong enough - so a couple of handles will need stitching back on!

Even so we did Washing Machine with two people sitting in the middle of the parachute; the others walking around in a circle holding on to the edge so the middle ones were all wrapped up (taking care not to let the parachute get above neck height) and then everyone pulling hard on the edges so the 'washing machine' spun the washing.

Followed by Shark Attack where 2 Elfins were sharks under the parachute; 2 Elfins were lifeguards roaming around the outside and everyone else was sitting up around the edge with their feet tucked under. Unfortunately the sharks were viciously effective and one by one we all got dragged under and eaten.

Then it was back to the campfire for the most popular treat of the night: s'mores - we all toasted marshmallows first. Then, those that wanted to, squashed them between a couple of Nice biscuits before munching.
Et voila - home made sweet picnic, orangeade and games - the perfect Elfin Takeover!

Session leaders: Catrin/Lucy
Leaders: Kate, Claire
Helpers: Joanne, Lili, Nick, Amanda