Friday, 17 January 2014

Lantern Walk/Meet up with Woodstock (11th November 2013)

We met outside The Plough in Upper Wolvercote and added wire carrying handles to the jam jar lanterns we'd decorated last week. We all lit candles in our lanterns and walked in a fairly freeform wobbly procession to the green.

It was pitch dark by the time we'd made it to our fire-pit on the far side; so we hung our lanterns in the trees and left a trail of lanterns from the road to the fire-pit to guide the Woodstock Elfins when they arrived.

When they got there we all played I Am the One and Only then sat around the fire-pit and sang Campfire's Burning, Cowboy, Bumble Bee and Dorcas and finished with the Woodcraft Song. Luckily Woodstock brought songbooks (read by torchlight) and a guitar. (Note to self: must find a leader who can play an instrument - any instrument - or force Elfins to learn...)

All said goodbye and North Oxford Elfins headed home leaving Woodstock to enjoy the fire-pit.

Session Lead: Alison
Leaders: Lucy, Amanda, Kate, Catrin, Barry, Ian, Belinda
Helpers: Tei, Marie And all the Woodstock Elfins


It turns out we have got a Leader who plays an instrument! Kate plays guitar, piano and ukulele. Some of the Elfins do too - we'd just never asked...

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