Thursday, 9 October 2014

Bag Painting (September 22nd 2014)

We met on the Green and played games before eating biscuits in the circle while everyone told us some news.

Then we walked around the Green collecting leaves and twigs and other things to use for printing and painting.

We'd learnt a lot from a very nasty fabric paint experience last year (nuff said) so all Elfins had come in old clothes or overalls.

The Elfins who hadn't made green drawstring plate bags before had those and everyone else had calico tote bags.

They painted with twigs and feathers and pom poms - and made leave prints - and stuck on buttons - and bobbles - and other things -

- all remained remarkably paint free themselves (…nice work guys…)

- ate oranges
- and made some great bags!

Session leader: Claire
Leaders: Amanda, Catrin
Helpers: Tei

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